I am just an average person, not a tech so everything I have read on this error I can't understand how to do . . .

Simply put, my Windows Update checks for updates but never stops or finds anything, it has not worked properly in so long I can not remember when or after what program install it stopped responding. I found a site to download the "fix" for this but have now encountered another problem that thus far not even a system restore could fix . . .

Every time I click to open the install Service Pack (.msu) and now any other download, nothing happens . . . and when I go to shut my computer off the error 1073741510 appears for each thing I attempted opening there after . . . even simple commands to open Windows Update or the Temp Folder

I have looked at more than 20 sites about this error and it either leads me to another download which I can't obviously load or a pay to use site or a tech site that explains the problems are being resolved but not in any language that I could possibly understand and I'm not stupid trust me! I worked a computing Help Desk for years but never got down the IT language, it just is unnecessary if you are not a programmer or software developer.

So if anyone could help me, PLEASE I beg you at least try explaining what to do so that I can understand, I would appreciate it so much! Thanks!


Hi Ren,

I will do my best to help you. Please hold the Windows key (between Ctrl & Alt) and press R. In the Run window, after "Open:" type winver and press enter. Please post the Windows version (name) and service pack.

Open Internet explorer and click on the Safety Menu; select Windows Update. On the Left Side, click Update History. Find the failed update (it will be listed many times). Right-click on it and select Copy details. Paste the details on DaniWeb under this thread.

Hi Ren,

I will do my best to help you. Please hold the Windows key (between Ctrl & Alt) and press R. In the Run window, after "Open:" type winver and press enter. Please post the Windows version (name) and service pack.

Open Internet explorer and click on the Safety Menu; select Windows Update. On the Left Side, click Update History. Find the failed update (it will be listed many times). Right-click on it and select Copy details. Paste the details on DaniWeb under this thread.

OK I will do that and re-post . . . thanks

Hi Ren,

I will do my best to help you. Please hold the Windows key (between Ctrl & Alt) and press R. In the Run window, after "Open:" type winver and press enter. Please post the Windows version (name) and service pack.

Open Internet explorer and click on the Safety Menu; select Windows Update. On the Left Side, click Update History. Find the failed update (it will be listed many times). Right-click on it and select Copy details. Paste the details on DaniWeb under this thread.

Microsoft Windows Version 6.0 Build 6001: Service Pack 1
The Windows Vista Ultimate OS [ Hewlett Packard Pavilion Entertainment Pc Laptop]

My Internet Explorer did not have a Safety Menu . . .
When I opened Windows Update and looked at the History it showed nothing . . .
But I can tell you the names of the files I try to right click and open from my [Moxilla Firefox download ] window

Windows 6.0-KB932246-x64.msu
Windows 6.0-KB935280-x64.msu
Windows 6.0-KB940105-x64.msu
Windows 6.0-KB938979-x64.msu

and that is all . . .

Hmm for some reason the installs are working now . . . I don't know if my problem is solved but I will watch for a solution you post just in case this happens again or it doesn't find any updates . . . or can't install them.

Thanks again

Great! Not so important why they weren't. Glad they are.

For the benifit of others, I will just say that it is best to keep Internet Explorer up to date because Windows Update will not run through other browsers.

Also, a 64bit OS uses x64 updates, but a 32bit OS uses x86 updates.

Don't forget to mark this thread as solve when you sure things are working for you.

Great! Not so important why they weren't. Glad they are.

For the benifit of others, I will just say that it is best to keep Internet Explorer up to date because Windows Update will not run through other browsers.

Also, a 64bit OS uses x64 updates, but a 32bit OS uses x86 updates.

Don't forget to mark this thread as solve when you sure things are working for you.

Mine is 64-bit and boy it is kind of nightmare finding things specific for the 64 bit
OK I realized my service pack was old as dirt too so I tried downloading the newer service pack but as the downloads are now opening and installing . . . they run and just freeze
The service pack has been trying to install since yesterday.
No error code tho, which makes me feel a little better, but let me check on my Internet Explorer and make sure its up-to-date.

I will try your links . . .
Will let you know what happens and click solved when things get going! Thank you so much! Can't explain how much I appreciate you taking a little time to help me out!


Great! Not so important why they weren't. Glad they are.

For the benifit of others, I will just say that it is best to keep Internet Explorer up to date because Windows Update will not run through other browsers.

Also, a 64bit OS uses x64 updates, but a 32bit OS uses x86 updates.

Don't forget to mark this thread as solve when you sure things are working for you.

My Internet Explorer is up to date . . . none of the installs are completing still . . .

You went to windows update website through IE?

nope through firefox . . . will that make the install freeze?

Well, It should redirect you to a page that says to use Internet explorer, or Click the Start button, click All Programs, and then click Windows Update.

Please open Internet Explorer and click on Windows Update from the Safety menu on the Command Bar (right side), or from the Tools menu on the Menu Bar (left side). Note that there are two Tools menus on the newest versions of Internet Explorer.

Well, It should redirect you to a page that says to use Internet explorer, or Click the Start button, click All Programs, and then click Windows Update.

Please open Internet Explorer and click on Windows Update from the Safety menu on the Command Bar (right side), or from the Tools menu on the Menu Bar (left side). Note that there are two Tools menus on the newest versions of Internet Explorer.

Ok I am running the Windows Update through the safety on my Internet Explorer . . . I will let it run for the duration of the day to see if it actually accomplishes anything. I also set the firewall to factory settings . . . I will post tomorrow if it did anything besides show it is checking. Thanks

its been running all day . . . no changes just seems frozen .. .

Did you reset IE? Go to the help menu and find out what version of Internet Explorer you are running. Google instructions, or post you version here and I'll walk you through resetting it.

All browsers send information to websites to identify themselves. If it is not IE, Windows Update will not work through it.

Windows Update should take no more that a few minutes to find updates on a high-speed connection.

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