Is there more than the following ways to capture a screen shot? I'm looking for a way to copy the expanded menu items in a Windows Form:

I've tried the following:
1). PrintScreen - captures the entire screen, but is too big for what I need

2). ALT + PrintScreen - causes menu items to collapse, and just captures the form i'm in....

any other ideas?

Is there more than the following ways to capture a screen shot? I'm looking for a way to copy the expanded menu items in a Windows Form:

I've tried the following:
1). PrintScreen - captures the entire screen, but is too big for what I need

2). ALT + PrintScreen - causes menu items to collapse, and just captures the form i'm in....

any other ideas?

hi you didnt say what version of windows you are using ,win7 or vista

win7 has this tool built in .

all versons of vista,except home basic have one but its not turned on ,info here on how to turn it on in othere versons of vista

I wrote a python script that captures the screen. It saves as .jpg, .bmp, .png, and .gif. I could add image resizing if needed.

Let me know if you want a copy.

original poster hasn't posted back in 7 days and it not likely they ever will ,keep the programs coming .

original poster hasn't posted back in 7 days and it not likely they ever will ,keep the programs coming .

caper you most likely answered poster's question with your first reply. Aren't leave thread hanging drive byes fun?

There are many application available to take screen shot. I am using "Screenshot Pilot 1.46" completely freeware. My sis take a lot of screenshot and she really love this application.

I use Fire Shot an add on for Firefox works good and is free. Later---

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