I was poking around my computer with Everest and found a suggestion that I should upgrade my BIOS, it even provided me with a link for the web site. Is there any danger in upgrading the BIOS, and how would this enhance my computer?

I was poking around my computer with Everest and found a suggestion that I should upgrade my BIOS, it even provided me with a link for the web site. Is there any danger in upgrading the BIOS, and how would this enhance my computer?

From experience and being told...:
Never upgrade the BIOS unless there is a problem that it will fix.

Its called Flashing the BIOS with the latest Firmware. (software built into hardware).

The only reason to flash your bios is if there is a problem with your current BIOS...your BIOS goes MIA...or the update will fix an issue with compatability...read into the update and what changes are made and decide if its what you need...

the last guy that i talked to that updated his firmware lost the use of his USB because somthing went wrong....

Thanks Killer Typo...that's pretty much what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I went to the web site suggested and ran their scan, they say that they will get back to me within a couple of days with their results, I figure at least I'll know what shape "they" consider my BIOS to be in. If they find something and then want money to fix it...well, you know what I'm not going to do. But just for kicks and grins I'll post their findings here.

Thanks Killer Typo...that's pretty much what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I went to the web site suggested and ran their scan, they say that they will get back to me within a couple of days with their results, I figure at least I'll know what shape "they" consider my BIOS to be in. If they find something and then want money to fix it...well, you know what I'm not going to do. But just for kicks and grins I'll post their findings here.

they said they did a scan to see if you needed to update your BIOS? never heard of anyone doing that...sounds almost like a scam. I would recomend just going to your motherboards manufacturers website and looking up the latest bios and what its for (sometimes its only for certain machines with certain hardware to fix incompatibilities). and then decide if you need it.

That's a good point, and I will go there...thanks again.

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