
im just wondering if anyone can help me with this...

i have all these important data under ms-dos in my old windows 98 computer... and i was wondering if its possible to send all the data into a more modern computer without losing/corrupting any files?

if so, can anyone help guide me how to move my win 98 MS-DOS data into a win XP (and any other more modern versions)
and would i still be required to use MS-DOS or is there a more new and efficient program available? but can also use the data within MS-DOS.... like... imported into the new program?

Cheers Mate

Does you windows 98 PC have a:
1. cd-burner
2. network interface
3. USB
4. Card reader

yes i have a USB :D
thank god

what next?

Just get a big ass USB-stick or better: an external HD and copy everything from the win98 on there. Then plug it in your winXP machine an copy it back.

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