
I have a weird problem. So, i turn on my laptop and am connected to the wireless internet. However, after some time (very random - ranging from a few minutes to hours), the internet suddenly switches off and I am unable to browse anything on the net. The windows vista internet icon in the tray in the bottom right does not change its notification or anything. It still shows as connected and diagnose and repair also does not pull up anything.

I have another laptop and it seems to work ok. So, the issue is with this laptop but the weird thing is if I restart it, then I can reconnect online and carry on with my business till this happens again.

Any help or advise would be appreciated.

It could be a physical issue with the actual wireless adapter in the laptop. The adapter may be going bad or overheating.

It could also be a driver issue. You may need to update the driver for your wireless adapter in that laptop.

does the wireless disconnect or does the wireless actually turn off like when a breaker are flipped and you have to turn it back manually to use. Also does it give any kind of message or does not. also what kind of computer is it and its year.

Apologize for the delayed response...
I will try updating the driver...I believe I had already done that...

Also, it does not give any message prior to disconnecting. It is almost like nothing changes, except for the fact that I am suddenly unable to browse the internet.

any help guys??

Here's some ideas but more information is needed. Do you have them both on wireless? If so, is one mac and one windows? A little heads up, the icon showing if you have internet or not is not microsofts greatest achievement. It's not always accurate if you catch my drift.

also make sure you haven't been hijacked. download malwarebytes from majorgeeks website and do a full scan. also open up your internet options from the tool bar in internet explorer. go the the connections tab and click lan settings. see if there is anything in the proxy area. try not to change any settings just report back plz.

Here's some ideas but more information is needed. Do you have them both on wireless? If so, is one mac and one windows? A little heads up, the icon showing if you have internet or not is not microsofts greatest achievement. It's not always accurate if you catch my drift.

also make sure you haven't been hijacked. download malwarebytes from majorgeeks website and do a full scan. also open up your internet options from the tool bar in internet explorer. go the the connections tab and click lan settings. see if there is anything in the proxy area. try not to change any settings just report back plz.

thanks earningsilence
yeah...both are on wireless...both are windows...one with the most issues is vista and the one with relatively fewer issues is XP...

updated malware bytes and ran full scan in both - no malicious items detected
also nothing in the proxy area for both in the LAN settings

Have you kept up with the windows updates? Also please include the exact model number of your pc so i can research this drivers... You say its vista right?

yup...windows updates are "updated" ...
It is a Toshiba Satellite A205-S5803
Model: PSAF3U-0P8015
and it has Windows Vista

Any Idea on the which wireless card is in? Is it Atheros, Realtek or Intel?

It is Realtek


I have a weird problem. So, i turn on my laptop and am connected to the wireless internet. However, after some time (very random - ranging from a few minutes to hours), the internet suddenly switches off and I am unable to browse anything on the net. The windows vista internet icon in the tray in the bottom right does not change its notification or anything. It still shows as connected and diagnose and repair also does not pull up anything.

I have another laptop and it seems to work ok. So, the issue is with this laptop but the weird thing is if I restart it, then I can reconnect online and carry on with my business till this happens again.

Any help or advise would be appreciated.

I was also facing the Internet problem, I follow the given instructions.
Go to start > Run I typed in cmd to get a dos prompt. At the prompt I typed in IPCONFIG. This showed I was not picking up an IP Address (I only had my computer's 169 number)
I tried typing ipconfig /release then power cycling the modem then typing ipconfig /renew Nothing Happened
Ultimately I googled winsock fix and downloaded a free utility to run that fixed the whole thing (I'm assuming you can access the internet on some computer if you can post here.) Download the utility to a disc or flash drive and run it on the computer with problems

Haha, awesome! I was going to suggest that :) saved me from all that fun stuff. I'm sure you've done it before but here is the link for your wireless driver. Now be sure to go into device manager and uninstall the current driver for the realtek wireless. Once that's complete then its ok to install the newly dl-ed driver. Keep us posted.

s the network icon signals that the network still exists
The answer is yes, the problem is caused by a virus and although that Antivirus giving a hint that there is no virus that has erased nipple change, but its impact on the system files and controlling networks in particular have been affected
May I ask what kind of antivirus if allowed

alrity...driver was installed and then reinstalled..

@fares1001 - It is Avast...downloaded the latest version..

oops...i meant uninstalled and then reinstalled..

Jeez.. do that free trend micro scan. it may not fix everything but atleast it would tell you if you have something.

yup did that already...nothing came up...
btw what was the jeez for ... cuzza the 'Avast' ?? :)

lol noo the jeez was bc this problem is a brain melter

the only thing left to try is do a recovery on the pc with the manufacturers disks. you'll lose everything so be sure to backup and save. if the problem still continues then its hardware which will have to be replaced. its not hard either

Also make sure you have no power saving turn on where it will shut things off after a half hour of use . Make sure nic card setting is set for auto for speed and duplex. Also some firewalls have time settings where if you don't use it for awhile it locks the internet , I know zonealarm has this .

Also make sure you have no power saving turn on where it will shut things off after a half hour of use . Make sure nic card setting is set for auto for speed and duplex. Also some firewalls have time settings where if you don't use it for awhile it locks the internet , I know zonealarm has this if the problem.If persists send me a message.

damn ...he was banned??

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