i dont know if im posting in the right place or not but what do most of you feel about this is there any safe way in doing this that wont harm your computer? are programs such as windows blinds and etc safe? what are your suggestions, etc? post your tips and what not here.

- Dave

There is a BRILLIANT program that customises everything about WinXP to make it look more like Longhorn.

It's called Longhorn Inspirat it's about 20Mb. Once you've installed it you can also download different apperances without needing to download entire theme files.

The file also comes with Yz Toolbars which is a brilliant little program to change the look of the explorer toolbar.

here's a screenshot of my desktop with Longhorn Inspirat.

Since then I've made my pc look more like a mac, very cool.

i dont know if im posting in the right place or not but what do most of you feel about this is there any safe way in doing this that wont harm your computer? are programs such as windows blinds and etc safe? what are your suggestions, etc? post your tips and what not here.

- Dave

I've been using Windowblinds for nearly a year with no real problems except whenever I load a faulty skin, but even then it's only cosmetic stuff that don't interfere with the functionality of Windows at all. I personally highly recommend it; it's all kinds of fun!

Except WindowBlinds isn't free...
What exactly do you want to change? There are a few different options in Display Options, Appearance tab. Don't change anything in Advanced unless you use Windows Classic, it WILL make things not look so good :(

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