I get an error of Service Control Manager says "At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event View to examine the event log for details."

I'm using Windows 2000 server. How do I stop this error on startup?

Thank you.

Look at the Event Viewer (Start-->Run-->eventvwr.msc) what caused the problem. Look at the Source, Catagory, Event ID and Description, and use Google to try to find a fix.

If you cannot figure out the problem, please post the above information.

Go to event viewer in Admin tools, select system log. Post any errors that have Warning or Error at the time of boot up. (Check your logs aren't full while you are there).

Also check Device Manager, (in control pannel, system, hardware tab) for any missing drivers, denoted with a "?"

Also Run c:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc or c:\Winnt\system32\compmgmt.msc. Select services and applications then services. Look for any services that are not started yet have Automatic in Startup Type. Could be the possible problem.

Let us know how you get on.

I'm getting a freezing of my computer in the middle of use. Also, every time I try to reboot it stops at the fading in of the Windows logo. When I check the Event Viewer under System I find a couple of "Service Control Manager errors. The codes are 7000, or 7023 or another. I'm not sure exactly how to fix this or understand how to determine how to fix this. Would anyone have an answer or be willing to help?

This is my business computer. I can't have it down. I have checked for viruses and used msconfig to turn things I think may be causing it off, but I'm still having the problem.



I am using windows 2000Server it has start up error message like this :

At lesat one service or driver Failed during system startup,use event viwer to examine the event log for details.

How can i remove this.pls help me to solve this problem

HELP me to stop this erreo message.

thank you


i still not get any reply from u pls help me to stop the error pls do the need ful ASAP



I am using windows 2000Server it has start up error message like this :

At lesat one service or driver Failed during system startup,use event viwer to examine the event log for details.

How can i remove this.pls help me to solve this problem

HELP me to stop this erreo message.

thank you

Look at the Event Viewer (Start-->Run-->eventvwr.msc) what caused the problem. Look at the Source, Catagory, Event ID and Description, and use Google to try to find a fix.

If you cannot figure out the problem, please post the above information.

for that also i had sent u areply for that i had noted and ths details also to u

I am Having the same problem with windows server 2003 but there are no errors in the event viewer i know this post is old but if this isnt fixed by by the 1st of may 2010, i am gonna lose my job
Need urgent fix!

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