book antigua
can someone please help me
when i go to turn off pc from start button me pc wont turn off
have done avg check scan and search and destroy and nothing,
everything else on my pc works so can someone help me with my problem

everytime it couldn't be shutdown? or just currently?
i hear thaat first time.
up it for you

everytime it couldn't be shutdown? or just currently?
i hear thaat first time.
up it for you

ait will work sometimes if i search and destroy before i log off, but frequently

If you press and hold the start button in (Usually about 4 secs) then it will power off you PC.. If your PC is not shutting down from windows, have you looked in task manager to see what is still running?? It maybe that you have some programs running that are not shutting down??

Kk Ty I Will Try That

i have tried that lloyd and it didnt work

Run the following

c:\WINDOWS\system32\secpol.msc or c:\WINNT\system32\secpol.msc

Go to Local Policies, and then User rights assignments, then check you have access in "Shutdown the System".

Just a thought, someone could of played a prank on you. Is it that your PC hangs when you shutdown request, or just says no. What sort of CPU Useage do you have once you've asked it to shut down. no other problems with system performance I assume.

all i get is the eggtimer come up and it stays like that

Run the following

c:\WINDOWS\system32\secpol.msc or c:\WINNT\system32\secpol.msc

Go to Local Policies, and then User rights assignments, then check you have access in "Shutdown the System".

Just a thought, someone could of played a prank on you. Is it that your PC hangs when you shutdown request, or just says no. What sort of CPU Useage do you have once you've asked it to shut down. no other problems with system performance I assume.

i think if it is the problem with policy, system will prompt 'you do not have the permission to ...." something like that. and if it is some kind of viruse hog the cpu, while you could not do anything.

hangs, just the eggtimer stays on and if i log off that is ok and when i go to switch off pc the eggtimer comes up for a couple seconds and then back to the cursor

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