I have an hp pavilion ze5185 laptop that wouldn't shut down. My operating system is Windows XP.

When I go to 'start' to shut the computer down, I get the message "windows is saving your settings". Then I get the message "windows is shutting down". The problem is that the computer never shuts down until I manually turn it off.

Any ideas?

Hi, have you scanned your computer for viruses and spyware?
I think you should do it.

I did a scan of my computer. I have McAfee Virus Scanner and McAfee Firewall running at all times. I also did a scan with Spybot. When I contacted Microsoft Support, I was told it sounds like a corrupted file and that I might have to reinstall Windows XP.

Is there anything I can do, including buying a commercial product, to solve this problem other than reformatting my computer?

- What Service Pack are you using?
- Can you see anything in the Event Viewer (Start->Run->eventvwr.msc) after you restarted?
- Are there any unrecognised hardware devices (Start->Run->devmgmt.msc)?

There are many possible causes that stops the shutdown process to finish.

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