
I have Notepad++ installed in my PC. Initially it was working properly, but from last few days, while opening the notepad++ , initially a message is pupping written "load lang.xml failed ". How to solve the problem I don't know. If any body could help in this regard then it would be a great support.



Your Solution :-

1. Open your “Notepad++” installation folder (right click on the shortcut icon, “Open File Location”)
2. Rename / Delete “langs.xml” to a backup (langs.xml.bak or something to that affect)
3. Copy “langs.model.xml”
4. Rename the new “langs.model.xml” to “langs.xml”
5. Restart Notepad++

Thanks Friend,
It solved my Problem.

"Best Of Luck"


Thanks Friend,
It solved my Problem.

"Best Of Luck"


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