Hi I'm running windows 7 and have recently had an issue when booting up. I turn the computer on and it displays a black screen w/t blinking cursor(BSBC) in the upper left hand corner. This continues for approx. 2 min. Then it will proceed to the GRUB where i can choose Ubuntu or Windows. I been running two operating systems for about 6 months never had a problem. Only thing I have installed recently is Python 2.5 & wx. Other than that just some windows updates. Before the (BSBC) my screen displayed what I've come to know as the blue screen of death(BSOD). It only displayed for a couple of seconds then computer crashed. Every since then I have had the BSBC problem every time I boot. If it helps SPEC's: ASUS model U50F, 500GB hardDrive, 4GB Ram, and I3 cpu. I dedicated 30GB to Ubuntu. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

If you recently tried to do any partitioning, then that might be what caused the issues. I suspect you accidentally tempered with the boot files of your windows 7. If you don't mind you can back-up and try re-installation.

I know this may seem juvenile, but have you disconnected all external hard drives? BSBC used to happen to me sometimes. I noticed it was whenever my external HDD was plugged in.

I know this may seem juvenile, but have you disconnected all external hard drives? BSBC used to happen to me sometimes. I noticed it was whenever my external HDD was plugged in.

This was the problem. It was my modem. As long as it is not plugged in when I boot there is no problem. Thank you for your help

Anytym MetalLord!! :)

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