Hello....nothing serious, just a question. I just got a new computer w/ Windows XP Home. Everything is great about it. Last night, I was fooling around with downloading some wallpaper and screensavers. I got some wallpaper that seemed to make the computer act funny, so I wanted to get rid of it. I went to Control Panel...add/remove programs. There was a Screensaver Installer on the list. I wanted to see what it was, and clicked on it to see what changes could be made. Without the computer prompting me, it removed the program immediately.

My question....am I correct to assume that this said file did not come with my computer, and that I created it when downloading? Or, is it something important that I need back?

I'd appreciate any help on this non-urgent matter. Thanks! :o

Hello....nothing serious, just a question. I just got a new computer w/ Windows XP Home. Everything is great about it. Last night, I was fooling around with downloading some wallpaper and screensavers. I got some wallpaper that seemed to make the computer act funny, so I wanted to get rid of it. I went to Control Panel...add/remove programs. There was a Screensaver Installer on the list. I wanted to see what it was, and clicked on it to see what changes could be made. Without the computer prompting me, it removed the program immediately.

My question....am I correct to assume that this said file did not come with my computer, and that I created it when downloading? Or, is it something important that I need back?

I'd appreciate any help on this non-urgent matter. Thanks! :o

Yes, there is no screen saver installer on windows. as far as i no.

Yeah .. seems like its not that important for you to get it back ... just a screen saver you had installed for fun.

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