Hello everyone. I have a pretty simple question. I was wondering if there was a way to disable access to the command prompt for users on a machine while still allowing administrators full access. Any ideas? :?:

I know of a third - party tweaking tool for doing stuff like disabling run etc... if thats any help. P.M me for info

You could go to c:\windows\system32 and locate the cmd file.

right click and select security tab, and add and remove access as required.

I don't know if it will work, because I haven't tested it, but I should think it will

You dont get that tab if you have XP home or 9x youll need a tool

Well, I'm using Windows XP Professional so I'll give it a try. Wonder if there's a way for XP Home?

I would use Tweak or X-Setup or Group Policy Editor to restrict access to cmd.

You could go to c:\windows\system32 and locate the cmd file.

right click and select security tab, and add and remove access as required.

I don't know if it will work, because I haven't tested it, but I should think it will

I tried this meathod. AND IT WORKED!!!! Thanks!

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