I think I caught a virus which won't allow my control panel to open. I've run a McAfee virus scan 3X, but it doesn't detect anything. But, yesterday it identified a Trojan which wouldn't allow me to delete or quarantine it. I've been working on this all day, I even tried rebooting in Safe Mode and refresh installing Windows. If someone can help, I'd be eternally grateful. I'm going insane!!!

Using internet explorer go to housecall.antivirus.com. They have an online spyware/antivirus scan that is free and pretty decent. There are other free antivirus scans online as well, but I recommend this one. Its updates by the hour so it should be able to remove it. Also, make sure you mcafee is updated before you scan.

Why Con't Ues Panda Online Scanning It Will Give Solution To U

You can use panda online scan, housecall is just my preference :).

Using internet explorer go to housecall.antivirus.com. They have an online spyware/antivirus scan that is free and pretty decent. There are other free antivirus scans online as well, but I recommend this one. Its updates by the hour so it should be able to remove it.

Online scans aren't worth it. I've had bad experiences with them. If you've got a trojan horse, and McAfee isn't helping, try using Spybot S&D or Adaware. These programs may be able to help you out. Also, try using Norton 2005. I've had excellent experiences with this.

Why Con't Ues Panda Online Scanning It Will Give Solution To U

Panda AV sucks big time

I even tried rebooting in Safe Mode and refresh installing Windows. If someone can help, I'd be eternally grateful. I'm going insane!!!

If by "refresh installing windows" you mean running setup over the existing windows install, you're unlikely to solve the problem as the trojan will corrupt any freshly copied system file. I'd recommend a format of the Windows partition and a clean install of Windows

Thank you all so much for your help. I ran the housecall antivirus/antispy per Shane's suggestion and it found 10 PUPs which I deleted. It also gave me 22 problems to fix by downloading patches. I only had time to do 1 last night, but I am going to do the other 21 (!) after work today and then run it again to see if the problems are fixed. If not, I guess I should try the Adaware download. I thought McAfee was supposed to block this crap! It's all very frustrating.
Thanks again!

I would run all of the suggested programs, they are not redundant. I have run spyware s&d and then spyware doctor after and had it find problems that the other didn't. You should clear out your cookies on a regular basis if your on line very much, you would be surprised at how many of the items spyware and adaware find that are in the form of cookies.

Good advice DCC, I spyware scan my PC almost twice a week, and a full virus scan a week, whilst your PC does nothing, can't hurt.

Throw Microsoft Anti-spyware into the mix, it is the most superior :P

Okay. I am definitely doing the ewido scan, microsoft anti-spyware, Adaware, and Spybot S & D tonight! Thank you very much to dcc and goldeagle, as well as shane!!
Does anyone know why McAfee wouldn't let me delete the 2 Trojans it found? Usually it is always able to delete this stuff.
Re: cookies, I definitely have one that is a problem. There is a program in the cookies folder with a weird extension (may be cpl, I can't remember-I'm at work) that I couldn't delete after I deleted all the other regular cookies. Hopefully, some of these scans will fix this crap.

OK, I ran the housecall scan yesterday, and tonight I ran Spybot S&D; Ad-Aware; Evido online scan & download; MS AntiSpyware; Spyware Doctor; and Housecall again. I removed everything they recommended. I am now back to my original error problem: McAfee identifes an Adware called kxccxco.dll and tells me it can't remove it. I still can't open my control panel and my computer is very slow and freezing for long periods. Also, whatever this is has messed with my McAfee settings and disables the virus scan on startup & frequently so that I have to reactivate it.

Is my next step to do a Hijack This file and post it here?? I am at my wits end!!!


Have you tried to access your AV in the safe mode?

Throw Microsoft Anti-spyware into the mix, it is the most superior :P

I can't actually believe it, but this is true. Most things micro$soft does kind of annoy me, mostly because I slurge over linux too much for my own good. But there's no denying it, Micro$soft has done something good for the world here. and just as long as it stays free, i'm gonna keep usin it.

I don't know what an AV is, but I can't open the Control Panel in safe mode.

AV...anti virus, in this case your McAfee. If you can't get into the control pannel try going into start > seach > search for files > enter McAfee and then serch now. In the results section look for the McAfee file > right click and make an icon of this ( you may get a pop-up message saying something like it can't create it here...ignore it and go on) it will show up on the desktop. Then see if you can use McAfee in the safe mode to deal with your problem. As to a HJT, yeah it sounds like you should do it now, there are some things in there that if you don't know what you are doing could seriously mess up your OS, so download it and run a scan, don't try to do any repairs! Copy the results and send it to the Viruses, Spyware & and other nasties forum. Someone there with the proper trainning will be glad to help you.

Dcc: by "deal with the problem", do you mean I should try to run a McAfee virus scan in safe mode? Will this be any better than all the scans I already ran in regular mode? Should I do this before I run an HJT scan tonight? Thanks.

I posted my log in "Viruses" last night. Can someone please help?

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