Pls help me out,my laptop is always slow when it comes 2 playing video games like need 4 speed.Is there anything I can do 2 speed it up?

Without knowing what make and spec your laptop is and what version of windows you have your question is impossible to answer!

Pls help me out,my laptop is always slow when it comes 2 playing video games like need 4 speed.Is there anything I can do 2 speed it up?

Use full sentence English please, as per the rules here at Daniweb.

Does your laptop have a discrete graphics card?

I remember that game during the World Cyber Game tournament. You need high speed graphic card, minimum 4GB RAM and Intel i7 processor. That's the spec I got from the game organiser. I think there is nothing wrong with your notebook. It just doesn't make it to play that kind of game.

Well Need for Speed Underground works on my laptop really well! It has a centrino T7300, 4gig ram, and Intel graphics!

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