Hello Guys,

I am happy to interact with u all. I have a problem with Anu Script Manager 7.0. I unable to installed in my VISTA OS. it shows the error like could not open registry and another one DLL: could not open essential file. The same software working in Win XP. But not Supported in Vista...so Plz any one can solve my problem...

Thank you

hi did you try right clicking on the Anu Script Manager .exe file and choosing compatibility and run as winxp

Hi caperjack, Thank you for your reply. I tried but i don't get it. The same error was showing. In my system compatability mode shows in WinXP(service pack 2) i tired in this.

ok,not sure if it a problem with you vista or with the program ,where is the install program located on you computers hardrive or on a cddisk

No problem with Anu Script Manager executable file. Why because of i was tried to install in XP, it's working in it. it's located in HDD only. I am using Genuine VISTA with licence.

No problem with Anu Script Manager executable file. Why because of i was tried to install in XP, it's working in it. it's located in HDD only. I am using Genuine VISTA with licence.

its been my experience anyway that there should get no errors when chosing winxp in compatibility mode .the program should install and if it not going to work right then it should give you the errors ,have you tried installing in safe mode ,sorry i cant add any other ideas

Ok...Thankyou for u ideas. I will look into some another one. thankyou very much.....

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