the other day i turned on my laptop and got the blue screen. also got the message IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

tried to restart in SAFE MODE and still get the same message.

prior to getting this error, the laptop was working fine. i installed new RAM over a year ago but didn't get any errors since then.

any advice?

thanks in advance

Blaze, is the accompanying error code 0x000000D1 or 0x0000000A ?
It could be RAM going bad... try using Memtest86+ to test it.... download it in a form to suit and make a bootable medium... floppy if you can, or USB flash drive.
If RAM check passes [let it run for half an hour at least] then it is software based, and possibly malware.
Report back.

gerbil: the error code is 0x0000000A

sorry....can you give me instructions on what to do after i download memtest to a USB drive? do i start my laptop in Safe Mode? that's the only way i can get it to boot

Sure. Download the auto installer package from, unzip it and dclick the .exe; you will be asked for a USB flashdrive path. Restart your machine with the flashdrive already inserted, use the One-time boot menu to choose the Flashdrive as boot source. Memtest will launch. Windows is not started, in any mode.

how do i "use the one-time boot menu"? sorry i'm trying to keep up but not understanding the steps i should take.

The one-time boot menu is more properly called the bios boot screen, or BBS. You press an F key to access it, which key is shown on the first POST screen. F2? F8? Depends... there you should be able to choose your flashdrive as the boot drive [be sure to insert the USB flashdrive before starting the puter otherwise that option may not be listed in the menu.

Sure. Download the auto installer package from, unzip it and dclick the .exe; you will be asked for a USB flashdrive path. Restart your machine with the flashdrive already inserted, use the One-time boot menu to choose the Flashdrive as boot source. Memtest will launch. Windows is not started, in any mode.

am i supposed to be able to download the installer package from the affected laptop? i tried to boot up in safe mode and open up IE. it wouldn't open up

I thought you were unable to enter Safe Mode due to the error occurring. Ok, then before safe mode you see an option to use System Restore. Choose a point prior to your trouble occurring, see if a start is possible. The error you report may be the result of a corrupted driver or service, or just faulty RAM.
With regards to RAM, you could dl the package on another system and install to the desired medium. If you have multiple RAM sticks you could try removing one or more, swapping sticks and slots as you try to start the machine with just one stick.

since i installed new RAM several months ago, would it be worth a try to remove the RAM and reinstall it to see if it works? or should i begin with your suggestions first?

Either is worth trying... but if you are unseating then you may as well pull comletely and try a restart. Follow the usual precautions you were informed of with the new modules.

Did you replace your ram or did you add to it? Does the speed of the new one match the speed of the old? Have a look at the labels on the ram for this info!

Did you replace your ram or did you add to it? Does the speed of the new one match the speed of the old? Have a look at the labels on the ram for this info!

i replaced my RAM (took out old RAM and installed new RAM). this was several months ago and it was working fine with the new RAM. just two weeks ago is when the laptop wouldn't start up properly.

You only answered half of my question!

i'm not sure about the speed

i installed Kingston PC3200 400mHz RAM. i know the PC3200 is correct. but i'll have to see if i have my old RAM to see if the speed matches 400mHz.

I just wanted to make sure it was the correct ram as mixes of speeds can work fine for a while then play up later on quite often!

Blaze, is the accompanying error code 0x000000D1 or 0x0000000A ?
It could be RAM going bad... try using Memtest86+ to test it.... download it in a form to suit and make a bootable medium... floppy if you can, or USB flash drive.
If RAM check passes [let it run for half an hour at least] then it is software based, and possibly malware.
Report back.

after 1 year, i finally got around to trying memtest. so i ran it for an hour and i got a "Pass complete, no errors" after running it.

what should i try next?

Blaze, is the accompanying error code 0x000000D1 or 0x0000000A ?
It could be RAM going bad... try using Memtest86+ to test it.... download it in a form to suit and make a bootable medium... floppy if you can, or USB flash drive.
If RAM check passes [let it run for half an hour at least] then it is software based, and possibly malware.
Report back.

one other note. i ran Express Test and i received the following error:

Error Code: 0F00:136C
MSG: IDE Device Failed: Blank Media or no media is present in optical drive.

one other note. i ran Express Test and i received the following error:

Error Code: 0F00:136C
MSG: IDE Device Failed: Blank Media or no media is present in optical drive.

don't know what express test is ,but i will assume that it was set to test drives in you computer and when it go to the cd/dvd rom it found no disk ion the device to check

don't know what express test is ,but i will assume that it was set to test drives in you computer and when it go to the cd/dvd rom it found no disk ion the device to check

yeah i think i got to the test by hitting F12 upon start up. i'm guessing this error is not related to my true issue.

Umph.. you are a very tolerant chappie... :)
You know what the error means... that a pointer is referencing an incorrect location in memory.... and I am assuming that it is not happening very often, so it is not likely to be a corrupt device driver or other software. I think that only leaves a sporadic hardware error. You got around to running memtest86+ [after a year... I drew from that the feeling that the problem wasn't keeping you from sleep]... so maybe your hdd is hiccuping [chkdsk might help, or a hdd diagnostic from your manuf's site?]; try running without your vid card if your sys has onboard graphics; remove any other non-essential hardware; cables and plugs - reseat everything, check that your IDE drives have correct cable and jumper placement.
Yeah.... Um.. you have done rootkit [GMER] and malware {MBAM] scans?

Umph.. you are a very tolerant chappie... :)
You know what the error means... that a pointer is referencing an incorrect location in memory.... and I am assuming that it is not happening very often, so it is not likely to be a corrupt device driver or other software. I think that only leaves a sporadic hardware error. You got around to running memtest86+ [after a year... I drew from that the feeling that the problem wasn't keeping you from sleep]... so maybe your hdd is hiccuping [chkdsk might help, or a hdd diagnostic from your manuf's site?]; try running without your vid card if your sys has onboard graphics; remove any other non-essential hardware; cables and plugs - reseat everything, check that your IDE drives have correct cable and jumper placement.
Yeah.... Um.. you have done rootkit [GMER] and malware {MBAM] scans?

when you say "remove any other non-essential hardware", how do i do that? does that mean removing the physical device from the laptop or going into the system to remove it? i haven't done rootkit or malware scans. last night i was able to use Safe Mode but after restarting the laptop several times, it doesn't go past the screen where it allows me to select Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking and command prompt.

I do this all the time.. go into desktop mode and forget all about laptops... sorry... edited post:
You know what the error means... that a pointer is referencing an incorrect location in memory.... and I am assuming that it is not happening very often, so it is not likely to be a corrupt device driver or other software. I think that only leaves a sporadic hardware error. You got around to running memtest86+ [after a year... I drew from that the feeling that the problem wasn't keeping you from sleep, now it is..]... so maybe your hdd is hiccuping [chkdsk might help, or a hdd diagnostic from your manuf's site?]; cables and plugs - reseat everything.
I'm going with a hdd error, now, strano. Get a bootable drive diagnostic test from the manufacturer. As for chkdsk, if you don't have access to the OS or Recovery Console [pre-installed], or an installation cd then you may want to download a bootable cd version of the RC...
All you need is an image burner like Nero, ImgBurn...
Tips... unzip the file to get the iso and then BURN THE IMAGE. Do not use Data CD or any other mode cos all you will get is a copy of the iso [which you have already...and your new CD will not be bootable]; if you look at the files on your new cd and see .iso mentioned anywhere, start over. If you use Nero 6 then the defaults for image burning are fine, you merely select Burn an Image, browse to and select the .iso and press Burn. That is all it takes. Burn it to a CD-RW if you wish; there is no need to close/finalise the CD whether it is a RW or R. Multisession works fine. If you use a CD-RW then hold the burn speed lowish, say 4x.

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