I installed ACPI compliant virtual controller, then i restarted my lapi, it asked about a file that if u r sure then only accept, in hurry i rejected it! since then my desktop has gone blank (black) no wallpaper is remaining there. what should i do?

i have lenovo y410 and windows xp!

..did you try system restore?..if system restoring did not help then REFORMAT your lapi..don't forget to back up all your datas!..^_^..

oh i have to reformat it?? or i have to download BIOS update? there is no other way?

You may not have to. Just boot up the Window CD and do repair after you agree to the EULA. Make sure your lapi is set to boot up in CD 1st.

will i loose any data in that process?

Chances you will not loose your data but than again you must always back up your data regardless of anything. I always have my data back up on an external hard disk or DVD-R/RW. The repair will replace your Window and install fresh so some program may not work properly so you may need to re install those programs again.


that seems complicated!

i have to first search for an external hard disc and i do not have at present!
it will be tough for transferring almost 100GB data to a DVD! i will try though!

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