I am aware I can edit what programs start up when I reboot windows by using MSCONFIG.

I have looked at this and seem to have a load of stuf in there. Some of it is obviously crap and I can uncheck it. However is there a way of telling what files I need at start up and what is crap. I don't want to delet a file that is esential by mistake

can anyone help



Unchecking items on msconfig doesnot delete that item ... and if you accidently make a mistake ... check the item by opening msconfig again ... it'll restore the startup item. Simple huh.

From the windows Start click on run and the type msconfig.

You will be able to view startup files. You have to be aware of what all software there in your system. If you are sure that the program is not required in the start up uncheck it. If the system is not funcitoning properly on the next start then you can check that. But in most cases you will be able to know what all you require by viewing the files. Most of the programs in the startup comes from your installed files only. So you have to decide what you need and what you dont need.


I am aware I can edit what programs start up when I reboot windows by using MSCONFIG.

I have looked at this and seem to have a load of stuf in there. Some of it is obviously crap and I can uncheck it. However is there a way of telling what files I need at start up and what is crap. I don't want to delet a file that is esential by mistake

can anyone help



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