Xp Machine is very slow to boot.
I notice that MsMpEng.exe is using up a huge amount of memory
during start up process.
It goes from about 150,000k to 15,000k.
When it reaches the lower figure - which takes some time - things then start
to make progress.
Also, I frequently get a message to say a script may be busy, and a report
often goes back to Microsoft talking about a "Queue" error.
Can anyone throw any light on this, please.

I notice that MsMpEng.exe is using up a huge amount of memory
during start up process. . . .
When it reaches the lower figure - which takes some time - things then start
to make progress.

MsMpEng.exe monitors/scans a lot of processes on boot, so there will be some slowdown.
It could be in conflict with perhaps another scanner or program - if this behavior started recently, you could check recently installed software. Or, use msconfig to weed out a startup that is causing MsMpEng.exe to hang.
You could also use a startup manager to disable unnecessary items --> http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml

I would leave MsMpEng.exe alone as it is a vital cog in system defense....

Cheers :)

Many thanks, PP.
Will work on your recommendations.

Many thanks, PP.
Will work on your recommendations.

You're welcome :)

Seems to be working well now.
Sincere thanks.
Will close the thread now.

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