Hi there! I'm going to go ahead and switch to Mozilla but I'm not sure which version - I went to download.com and see that there is Mozilla 1.6 and then a Firefox 0.8 - any advice for me?

TIA! Suz:cheesy:

I'm pretty sure the firefox is Beta. Do yourself a favour & download Opera 7.23.
Only 3.5 Mb download, with all the bells & whistles.

well i use mozilla firefox on xp and love it i have had no probs wat so ever but just my opinion

Thanks for the reply. I'm also running XP. My machine has been acting so weird that I'm afraid to do anything to it but I can't live with this IE issue where it just doesn't open at all and I have to do a system restore every 5 minutes. It's ridiculous. Thanks!! Suz

I'm going to go ahead and switch to Mozilla but I'm not sure which version - I went to download.com and see that there is Mozilla 1.6 and then a Firefox 0.8 - any advice for me?

Mozilla is stable, Firefox is beta. It's not so much that Firefox causes crashes (it doesn't), but that some of its features are not there or not fully functional yet. The plan is that Firefox will be the main browser when it reaches 1.0 -- but until that time, I recommend Mozilla Navigator for end-users. I run both Windows and Linux and use Mozilla in both environments.

Opera is fine, but the "free" version has advertising and the "full" version costs money. Nice browser, though -- I run 'em all for compatibility-testing purposes.

Thanks very much. Just in case - is there anything I should "watch out" for like not running it with another program, etc..? Thanks AGAIN! Suz

Thanks very much. Just in case - is there anything I should "watch out" for like not running it with another program, etc.?

You can run both Internet Explorer and Mozilla at the same time, for one thing. For another, since Mozilla doesn't "do" ActiveX (this is a good thing for security), sites like Windows Update that require it won't work properly.

It's a good idea to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from Sun (even if you don't install Mozilla). You will also need to download and install the Flash and Shockwave players.

If you have further questions, let us know.

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