I recently reinstalled windows xp on my computer (dell dimension 2350). Everything is now working except my internet/ethernet connection. I have the cord set up properly (it worked before reinstallation), and i have tried installing the proper network driver (downloaded from dell.com) but it doesn't work. Either nothing happens, or I get an error message.

I'm assuming that since you have downloaded the driver that you used the Device manager to install it. If not here is the path

Right Click "My Computer" --> Hardware tab --> device manager --> right click your Ethernet controller if it has a question mark beside it --> if you put the driver onto the computer already let windows search the computer for it. Unless you know the file path.

If this has already been done and the controller is working but you are still not able to connect to the internet please try this:

Open your Internet Explorer --> Tools --> Connections --> "LAN Settings" --> make sure the "automatically detect settings" is checked --> close and return to connections --> Set up an Internet connection --> Connect to the Internet --> set up my connection manually --> "I'm assuming you are on broadband since you are using an ethernet connection" <--> Connect through a broadband that is always on --> next <--> close and retry opening your internet explorer.

well, the problem lies in the the installation of the network driver. for some reason it just won't install properly. it says device cannot start (code 10)

i use the whole process of updating the driver, i "install from list or specific location", "don't search, i will choose the driver to install", and "have disk".

What's the error you're getting?

I looked on Dell's web page and there were two NICs (not counting the wireless ones) listed. Have you verified that you have the correct driver?


Is this an integrated adapter or a PCI card?

The integrated adapter may have gone out, but it would have also started and installed the adpaters itself when you inserted the dell drivers disk..

if your card is not plug and play, you may need to go into your bios and change the settings on the boot. the card may not be added to your boot order.
also, try a different pci slot.

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