Hello Everyone!

I have a Windows ME disk (I think it is the upgrade disk) at home.

How would I install it?
Do I need Windows 98 SE or can I do a boot install like XP?



Sorry for the double post...

I tried to do a boot install but it did not work so I used a boot floppy to boot MS-DOS 6.22 with basic CD drive support and it started to install but it could not find windows 98... Do I need to install Windows 98 or Windows 98 SE?


depends on if it's the upgrade or the original install disk. if it's the upgrade, as it seems to be, you need the appropriate OS (98 or 98SE... check documentation for the proper upgrade route) already installed.

I started with DOS ,and now on WIN 7 . ME was a stop gap upgrade from WIN 98 to give MS time to release XP. personally I would avoid ME it was a bit flaky.

Yes I agree that Windows ME is very unstable but I grew up with it and I want to re-install it just for fun...

I have already installed MS-DOS 7.1 and Windows 3.1 on another hard drive, I just want to add to the collection :)


i'm right there with you on liking the old stuff... nothing will ever compare to the games i played when i was growing up... i need win98 and other old stuff installed to make them woek.

just curious, what do you do with DOS these days? other than games, of course. or is that all?

I use DOS mainly for Windows 3.1, although I use it some times with Scandisk and QBASIC of course!

Man! Looking at all the thread at the first page, I noticed that they are old threads! Nobody cares for the old Windows 9x Legacy line anymore!!!!!!:'(

Thanks to everyone who is looking in the Windows 9x catagory!


There are routines in DOS that cannot be done under windows (any version) a

oops and so very useful if a computer is stuck or needs diagnostics and network stuff not available in windows..... try traceroute!
PS I think this threads may be past it!

Now I have a new problem...
I have a laptop with no floppy drive just a CD drive. So I made an MS-DOS 6.22 boot CD and I used FDISK to delete the partition and make a new one problem is the partition is only 2 GB. Can I use the Windows 98 startup disk to make a bigger partition with the FDISK on that startup disk?


Yes you can... documentation says disk size can be up to 32 GB on Fat32 (max file size 4 GB). Win98 boot disk is my diagnostic platform of choice as well. If for some reason this doesn't work, I would try the disk utility in Linux. If you don't have graphical Linux available, use gparted. So much fun.

msdos and I think w98 can only make partitions up to 2GB. you need to convert to NTFS to make larger ones.

Yes I know that FAT32 can support (in therory) up to 2TB!
What I want to know (before I waste another CD) is if the Windows 98 startup disk's FDISK program can make partitions larger the 2GB.

Here are some specs if you need them:

Dell Latitude CPi
Intel Pentium II 400MHz
6.4GB IBM TravelStar HDD
NeoMagic 2.5MB mobo video card

Can Windows 98's FDISK make me a 6.4 GB partition or am I stuck with a 2GB.
It had a 6.4 GB partition before I deleted it :confused:


Now I have a new problem...
I have a laptop with no floppy drive just a CD drive. So I made an MS-DOS 6.22 boot CD and I used FDISK to delete the partition and make a new one problem is the partition is only 2 GB. Can I use the Windows 98 startup disk to make a bigger partition with the FDISK on that startup disk?


Hey Java,

Here is a little trick I used back in the NT3.5/NT4.0 days, which should work for you. Put the disk in another system or use your 9x media to format the disk to the size and format type you want (yes your 9x media will work). Then install your OS on the pre-formatted disk. This worked like a charm back in the day.

Edit: Reaching back in the recess of my brain I believe there might have been another step with the MBR. But for the life of me I can't remember, If you hit a problem let me know and I will dig around in the dark corners. :)

So Insert my Windows 98 CD (Which is not bootable) format my laptop's HDD with it then install?

How would I do that? I need to get a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter to hook it up to my Dell Optiplex (My desktop) to format it like that.. (I tried to hook it up already and I don't want to solder 40 wires to the HDD then stick them into my HDD cable.

Where can I get an adapter or can I use a newer version of FDISK to format it?


Disregard the earier post, I got myself the 6.4 GB partition using the Windows 98 startup disk (I used nero to make it a boot cd) and it works! So now I have windows ME installed! :)

So now (before I 'solve' this thread) I would like some advice on an anti-virus product that is free and works with ME...

Thank-you to everyone who devoted time to help me with my problem!


Hey Java,

Sorry I missed your post yesterday but I am happy you got it to work! Unfortunately, I do not have any recommendations for free A/V software.

I ve used microsoft security essentials OK with legitimate windows.
I ve used Panda
I ve used AVG and all do a good job... the commercial ratings are about as good as the professional commercial versions.As viruses are noit as much a problem as they used to be any good AV will give OK results. You do not mention other nasties like root kits, or malaware. Advanced system care is a good all rounder re detection but not prevention. There are some free 'security' programs that cover everything,(MS essentials) but others you will have to pay for full cover.

Oh, Well..
Thank for suggesting an AV product (I found and old version of AVG 7.5 and it is installed)

This will do for now..

Thank-you for all the help & suggestions everyone!!


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