When I load frontpage 2003 it goes through an installation process then brings up the error:

"a required installation file F2561406.CAB could not be found"

I keep reading similar problems with resolution being select the location on the CD.. but I have lost the CD

Is there anything else I can do?

I searched the web for the download but when I select the downloaded items I get the error 25091

Any advice would be appreciated?

Nobody? :(

I searched the web for the download but when I select the downloaded items I get the error 25091

not sure exactly what you mean by this ?

you could borrow a copy of it from someone maybe

not sure exactly what you mean by this ?

you could borrow a copy of it from someone maybe

Sorry, I mean the .cab file that was causing the error, I searched the itnernet for a copy of it to locate it as I don't have the disk but it just brought a new error :(

I don't know anybody with it.

from what i can find its not available to the general public for download,maybe i could help you with a copy of it , i have a msdn acct and have access to it myself .
what part of out great world to you live in

Three options:
a) Get the Blue Edition of Office if you can find it
b) Upgrade to Microsoft Expression Web if you still want to use a WSYIWYG editor like Frontpage (it's the successor to it)
c) Get a copy of the Frontpage 2003 .iso and copy that specific .cab file from it

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