ok since last week my other computer can't open webpages...it keeps on saying canot display...and it says sometyhing about my server and a dsn...but i tried refreshing reconnecting to the net...i checked my connection and its all fine..what ust i do...need your help...thanks!

(I'm running woindows XP)

ok since last week my other computer can't open webpages...it keeps on saying canot display...and it says sometyhing about my server and a dsn...but i tried refreshing reconnecting to the net...i checked my connection and its all fine

Who is your provider? SBC, for example, just changed their DNS setup, so some software may need to be reset. Is DHCP turned on? It's possible that may need to be done. Contact your service provider's Technical Support and see what may have changed, or need to be changed, since the first of the month.

i tried doing what you told me and still it won't work....it is still about the dns....

and i tried changing isps just yesterday and still the same.....

offline my computer is slow in exiting programs. On the net it is OK any suggestions?

Could be spyware issues. Try scanning your system and see if that helps. Otherwise, try resetting Winsock and see if that helps. To do that, go to Start>Run and type 'netsh winsock reset catalog' and then restart when prompted.

Is the machine still under warranty?

No that did not work. When I exit Windows games such as solitaire and, hearts or spider solitaire it takes approximately five seconds for the game to exit.

Call your provider - shut everything down - including your computer, router, modem, etc. - this will reset everything (or should). However if you can't reset it that way - call your provider and have them do it from the office. I escalated a "Tier 3" ticket with Roadrunner because no one could figure it out. The Tier 3 tech reset my modem from his location and it works beautifully.

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