A short question:
Can Win XP act as a webserver or is IIS for XP only for developing purposes?

A short question:
Can Win XP act as a webserver or is IIS for XP only for developing purposes?

I believe XP Pro has full web service available.

You can use it as a fully-operable web server ... not nearly as configurable as a Server edition of Windows.

The reason that I asked is that i have IIS on my developing computer running and when browsing to: http://localhost/index.html I get the page Ok, but when browsing to my computer (named: mycpu) from another cpu on the network with http://mycpu/index.html I don't get the page...

Is your computer firewalled? If so, be sure to open up port 80.

This could also be a DNS/WINS error, basically, are you able to access your computer via the WINS Name (mycpu) from the other computer via anything else? (like ping)

you may want to add the entry into your hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).

All the suggestions are correct. I have also encountered the same problem. One quick solution is to change the name of the index.asp to default.asp. :) That is what I did and it turned out fine.

yes able to run web from iss but>

see pc stats .com

Nooooooooooooo i have XP home and cant do my ICT Coutsework cos no stupid IIS ahhhhhhhh i need it for ASP.NET and my one server system, nt4 do it either


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