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What to when explorer.exe got corrupted !!?
I had best way to bypass it.
1. Open in-built Internet Explorer , and in address bar type" c:" and press Enter.
2. Now you will see your Main Directory, and Now you are ready to excess any file using iexplorer.exe
3. You can surf Image, MP3, and Videos and many more...

For using all extensions file I will prefer Safari or Opera or Crome.
4. After bypassing this fetal, install explorer.exe from any good PC and paste it in C:/Windows and now restart and Now you will made bypass and got out from this corruption.


Running windows 7 ultimate with chrome and this trick didn't work. I was able to save the file but no way to upload more or less it is displayed as a FTP site. When I used win 7 with IE it automatically opens in explorer so if it was corrupted this won't work either. Which OS did you try this on?

Member Avatar for KumarUtkarsh

Running windows 7 ultimate with chrome and this trick didn't work. I was able to save the file but no way to upload more or less it is displayed as a FTP site. When I used win 7 with IE it automatically opens in explorer so if it was corrupted this won't work either. Which OS did you try this on?

I told you that use Safari is one of the best way to open or edit any file.
you must search a software "Songsbird" on Google and download it, Use it as explorer + notepad + editior + viewer and so more.

If satisfied then reply me...


I told you that use Safari is one of the best way to open or edit any file.
you must search a software "Songsbird" on Google and download it, Use it as explorer + notepad + editior + viewer and so more.

If satisfied then reply me...


Where was any of that listed in your original post? I had no problem downloading the file uploading a file is where the problem would come in to play.

This may be a good way to backup files if your explorer is corrupted but if you have no other options available IMO this will not work for replacing corrupted files. Unless there are a few steps missing.

For using all extensions file I will prefer Safari or Opera or Crome

This is your only recommendation and I was using Chrome.

BTW you didn't answer my question what operating system did you test this on?

Member Avatar for KumarUtkarsh

Okay I had three of mine laptops and one desktop; each laptops had *('one had Linux [which I don't recommend here'] and BOSS and last one had Win-Vista[*which you wanted to know] and desktop too have Win-Vista.

Probably what work does you do now in Computer rather then multimedia tasks and gaming.

Please tell me which one of the language is good.
2. C / C++
3. Python
4. .VB

Please do replay me
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Hey reply man,
What do you think after following this sample steps.

1. Run> cmd> enter
2. Type net user *<your system name>
3. Press Enter
4. Tried to change password using given commands.
5. So after that, Give me guideline about using that command

Please reply soon.
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