When trying to access Adobe.com to download the updated (from ver 9) flash player with Internet Explorer 8 I get the error message "0x06da0068" referenced memory 0x06da0068." The memory could not be written. When I try to use Firefox I'm told to "close Mozilla firefox."

My operating system is XP with 1gb memory.I have no idea what application is being affected,

try to uninstall the internet explorer 8 and the adobe flash player... restart the machine.... hope it works.....

This problem is caused by the DEP settings in your browser, that control the ActiveX components/ad-ons you want to install, like Flash, and even some updates from M$.

You can work around it, to temporary turn off or disable DEP, by following this:

"Local Administrators can control DEP/NX by running Internet Explorer as an Administrator and unchecking the Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > “Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks” option."
For details see http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/04/08/ie8-security-part-I_3A00_-dep-nx-memory-protection.aspx"

Turn it off, install your plug-in, and turn it on again, I guess would be the safest.

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