Am having problems with bookmarking in Firefox.
My "Edit This Bookmark" box is incomplete.
The area around the star is totally blank.
The words "Edit This Bookmark" are missing.
The "Remove Bookmark" box is blank.
Anyone else experiencing similar problems?
The layout of the box appears to have been changed.

uninstall the firefox browser then reinstall it back, or i suggest download the latest firefox 4.... hope it works....

Thanks benmar.
Have Firefox 4 on another machine, but it displays the same problem
so that does not appear to be the solution.
Appreciate your reply, though.

maybe 4 is the problem! try going back to 3.6 and see if it works .

Am using 3.6 on my Vista machine, but the problem is there too.
Seems as if XMarks might have made a change.
If they did it doesn't really work.

Have you run a full malware scan on them? If so, with what?

With Malwarebytes.

What about it's results?

Am using 3.6 on my Vista machine, but the problem is there too.
Seems as if XMarks might have made a change.
If they did it doesn't really work.

not sure but this site might help you figure out how to edit book mark ,it sure answered the howto for me . i looked and looked in firefox for a edit button but couldn't find it until i read on this site ,now i know what that yellow star [it might be white until you click on it ]is for at the end of the address

Thanks for the link.
Will check it out.

Checked the link.
Didn't really help to solve the problem.
I did see the "Edit This Bookmark" box that I am talking about. near the top of that page.
Problem is that on my box the "Edit This Bookmark" words are missing, and that section is blank.

"Edit This Bookmark" box that I am talking about. near the top of that page.

if you double click on the yellow star you should see this .to edit just type in a new name ,but i guess you don't see it like this correct

Yes, you are right.
I have the yellow star alright, but the words
"Edit This Bookmark" are missing.
As well as that the Remove Bookmark box is blank - no words.
The first word to appear on mine is Name.
Then Folder.
Then Tags.
Very much appreciate the trouble that you are taking to help.

Very much appreciate the trouble that you are taking to help
your welcome ,no trouble i enjoy it ,with i had a solid answer for you

same on 3 machines,2 different versions ,something in common on all 3 , like maybe a security program you are using on all 3 computers .just a thought

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