windows service pack 2 installation - unique problem

please help me........!!!!

Respected techs and dear forum members,

I have installed a fresh copy of windows xp (without having sp 2 onto it) on my hard disk.

After that i tried to update windows through tools>windows update.

It took so so many hours to download service pack2.

Now after that i was prompted by the system to click so that update (service pack 2) be installed. I did click and it started installing.

The Installtion process of service pack 2 was going smoothly until the last screen (i believe it was last screen) displayed where it was written...

"Finishing Installation"

BUT the blue colour got stuck in the bar below the above message at almost in between.

Thereafter i patiently waited for hours at a strecth in anticipation that it will be completed but it got stuck.

So i was left with no choice but to restart the machine.

After that the system prompted a message saying that service pack 2 installation was not successful and hence to remove it from add/remove programs.

After uninstalling the incomplete service pack 2 i again repeated the whole process.

Again same story.

Plz help me....

My computer specifications:

1. P4
2. RAM 1 GB
3. Intel Motherboard 865GBF
4. Windows xp professional
5. mcafee antivirus

plz plz help me early....



sunandoghosh (at) rediffmail (dot) com

when i installed it on my machine i also had problems and was waiting for what seemed like forever for it to download. i then realized my error... i hadn't disabled my antivirus software. after i disabled this it worked without any glitches (on my machine).

if you still have problems downloading it from the web then try and ask about to see is anybody has a servicce pack 2 disc. this take half the waiting out too seeing as you could be waiting for hours where the nets concerned. talking of the net are you sure that you didnt lose connection to the server just as it was finishing off.

I would download SP2 without Windows Update.

Or order a disk copy from MS.

It's a bit bigger (a fair bit), but you can stick it on disk to keep. What I like is that I always install SP2 immediately after XP, before any drivers infact, and before I have an internet connection. Then the drivers, then AV / Firewall stuff. Then Internet.

I'm lucky though, because I have two PCs which makes it easier.

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