How do I fix this problem? I can't find the drivers for this...



Hello again Loopah. I responded to your other thread that referred to this. I will take the fact that you created this thread as a sign that you need to know how to install your motherboard's drivers. If you don't know what exact motherboard you have, download, install, and run Everest (it's free). This tool will show you very detailed information about your system. After you have the details of your motherboard (manufacturer name, model number, version, etc), please post that information here. Once you have done that, we will help you find the drivers that you need.

Ok, I found the driver and replaced my old one. The problem still happens so I will go further in my other topic. Sorry for the duplicates.

Did you reinstall the RAID driver for your motherboard? That's the one you are going to need.

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