I have sufficient space in Disk D and E. but my Disk space of C drive is getting low, I tried to extend from Disk management ,but could not suceed,can anyone help me with it? I dont wanna reboot it again.

Why don't you want to reboot? How long does that take!?

Why don't you want to reboot? How long does that take!?[/QUOTE
ya its not a big deal to reboot,but was just wondering if there are any other ideas about it,, anyways thanks....

Well, the most reliable way IMHO is to burn a GParted disk, boot that disk, modify your disks, and reboot Windows.

Thankx for the Words

If your data is valuable to you, BACK THE TRUCK UP FIRST!!!!
back it up.

2nd, gparted "can" move segmants around, successfully. I know it was written by some linux guy, and it is probably rock solid, but I would be more inclined to back up one of my other partitions (I am presuming they are larger than the OS partition) and use something like xxclone to transfer the OS to a bigger partition.

sure it's a sappy looking website, but the guy writes solid code!

i do like that little tool. it is freeware for this task too.!

just a suggestion, and "no reboot Needed!"

Just remember to extend one partition, you have decrease the size of another partition to make space on the hhd. Then disk management will work.

Just remember to extend one partition, you have decrease the size of another partition to make space on the hhd. Then disk management will work.

and thats the simplest and easiest way to do it, do it all the time with mine ,and no need for third party tools ,that I'm sure work great too.

I have sufficient space in Disk D and E. but my Disk space of C drive is getting low, I tried to extend from Disk management ,but could not suceed,can anyone help me with it? I dont wanna reboot it again.

are d and e separate hard drives or just partitions of C:/

are we to assume that by reboot you mean re-install the operating system ,as in computer terms reboot simply means to shut down the computer and reboot it

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