i am getting an error that a display driver is not responding and has recovered and something to do with nvidia if anyone has info on how to fix this it just started tonight please help thanks so much

Have you try to reinstall drivers before?
What is the last thing you do before you got this problem?

I had that problem too with an nvidia geforce 7600gt back when i was using windows xp. The thing that worked for me was updating my video driver, hope this works for you too.

after instlling drivers even not taking drivers

What is your laptop model and brand. You can go to the manufacturer websites and download the latest graphics driver. You can also go to device manger and see whether there are any exclamation marks or red signs beside the name of the driver.

have not tried anything yet this happen when i was reinstallinggame programs for yackity yak chat my pc is a desk top HP with win 7 ill try updating drivers n see what happens i have not gotten the error since last nite but i know that i am behind on updates so will try this first ty to all sugestions will keep yaz all posted

:'(how can i download window 7 drivers

:'(how can i download window 7 drivers

you need to describe your computer specs for that and...

PLEASE POST IN YOUR OWN THREAD so your problem won't mix with other posters problem...

Most car accident litigation revolves around claims of negligence. That is, the defendant driver is not accused of intentionally causing the accident, but is accuses of errors or omissions in driving conduct which created an undue danger of an accidental collision. Even when a car accident is arguably intentional, due to insurance coverage issues the accident will often be characterized in litigation as resulting from negligent conduct.

Err, did you read the thread topic correcly? What you said is totally wrong.

I tried installing a Driver for HP LaserJet P2035n and am having problemn doing it. My system is using window7 and the drive is having conflit with the window. What do I do

What is your laptop model, go to device manager and check whether your driver is already installed. If yes check whether it is properly installed. It should not show any yellow exclamation marks or red x.

I tried installing a Driver for HP LaserJet P2035n and am having problemn doing it. My system is using window7 and the drive is having conflit with the window. What do I do

Most probably you got the wrong driver for your printers. Conflict means the driver you're trying to install is unsupported on Windows seven (maybe you used the driver from cd or downloaded for XP version)

Download from here instead

It was for Windows Vista but supported in Windows Seven as well...

The model number HP LaserJet P2035 does not seem to be correct.

Method 1:
You may refer to the below links and use the troubleshooters. Check if it lists and helps resolve any issues: Open the Printer troubleshooter:

Method 2:
You may check if you have the latest drivers installed for the device. You may refer to the below link for getting the latest drivers and check –
HP Laserjet P2035n Driver

Good Luck.

everyone, this issue is a Nvidia and Java issue and its annoying. I beleive when it was happening to my laptop it was the accelorometer that addressed it from Dell. Ofcourse my computer is a Dell is why i mention them.

I had the same problem playing Battlefield 3...
what i did was...
go to nvidia's driver download site..
Link :- http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
select the build of your graphic card and download the latest driver from there...
after you install it hopefully your problem will be solved...

Hi, There is 3 method:
The model number HP LaserJet P2035 does not seem to be correct.

Method 1:
You may refer to the below links and use the troubleshooters. Check if it lists and helps resolve any issues: Open the Printer troubleshooter:

Method 2:
You may check if you have the latest drivers installed for the device. You may refer to the below link for getting the latest drivers and check –
HP Laserjet P2035 Driver

Method 2: Alternative to Driver Scanners

Good Luck.

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