Hello there!!

There are already some days I tried without success to block some programs on my PC from accessing to the Internet but although I goes to the Firewall settings and activate the firewall and uncheck the "don't allow exceptions" box, and then uncheck the box beside the program name at the "exceptions" tab in order to block it, after all these actions the program still can access to the Internet.

What should I do in order to get rid of this problem?

Thanks in advance!!


As far as I know, XP's firewall only blocks incoming traffic.

As far as I know, XP's firewall only blocks incoming traffic.

Thanks you about your response but the problem is that the window's firewall don't succeed to block even the incoming traffic which caused by the program.

Thanks you about your response but the problem is that the window's firewall don't succeed to block even the incoming traffic which caused by the program.

bottom line is,windows firewall isn't and never was reliable .
the 3rd party firewall in my last post will do it for you

Thanks you, I'll try the program you recommended me, but I think that its trial version don't supply complete blocking of softwares.



i will install it also ,had it on a computer quite a few yrs back and it was free then ,being used as a Guinna pig back maybe ,click on the free download box ,not the one for the internet security /firewall program .

edit i install it but need to reboot to see if it mentions trial version

rebooted and no sign of it be a trial version yet

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