i still got all these files man..
and half ov these are but dont no which 1z to delete coz i ov them is like 1.2gb
so thought someone can help me out here..
i can free up alot of space..lol

take a look at the picture plz


i still got all these files man..
and half ov these are but dont no which 1z to delete coz i ov them is like 1.2gb
so thought someone can help me out here..
i can free up alot of space..lol

take a look at the picture plz


Be more precise: what folder of the ones you've presented contains the most data and how much is it?

sorry mate...look at the updates pic then!!

if you still dont no plz add me on msn or sumfin


Backup any files that are important to you on CDs, create a new user...make that an administrator account. Then, once you log in with that account, a folder will be created in the directory you've been snappin' pics of (most likely c:\documents and settings) with the name you created for the new user...place all important files in this profile's "My Documents" folder (or any place you can remember) and then blow away the other folders in c:\documents and settings.

Hope this helps.

even the guest files???

even the guest files???

isn't the point here to get back hard drive space? if the "Guest" folder isn't taking up a lot of space then leave it. i was just coming up with the most simple way for you to reclaim space without getting too complex into what each of these are. come to think of it you'll probably want to leave the folders called "All Users" "Default User" (if present), "Local Service" (if present) and "Network Service" (if present). Better yet...only delete the extremely large folders...don't forget to make a backup! you make the call, Ruuuuuuuudeboiiii!

i still got all these files man..
and half ov these are but dont no which 1z to delete coz i ov them is like 1.2gb
so thought someone can help me out here..
i can free up alot of space..lol

take a look at the picture plz

Please do us a favor-- if you want to get good help, please speak proper English.

I think antioed is right, though-- back up the files to DVD or CD, just to ensure you don't delete anything important. Log into Safe Mode as Administrator, and then delete all of the folders, except for

  • Administrator
  • All Users
  • Default User

Once you do that, log back in with the user you normally use in Normal Mode. It will recreate your user profile, and you'll have to re-do your bookmarks, email settings, etc.

You might be well-advised to reinstall Windows, though-- no telling whether a virus or some spyware may have caused that.

isn't the point here to get back hard drive space? if the "Guest" folder isn't taking up a lot of space then leave it. i was just coming up with the most simple way for you to reclaim space without getting too complex into what each of these are. come to think of it you'll probably want to leave the folders called "All Users" "Default User" (if present), "Local Service" (if present) and "Network Service" (if present). Better yet...only delete the extremely large folders...don't forget to make a backup! you make the call, Ruuuuuuuudeboiiii!

He's either joking, or he really doesn't know what is the directory tree.

Rudeboy, there is one field (let's call it "C:") and on that field you can plant a lot of trees but, if you cut down some of the large ones all the apples in it go >>SQUASH!!!<<, so first: climb all the trees and see what's up there, pick those apples and put them in a basket (or as antioed says: make a bakup copy of everything that's important on your computer - that easy - so you'll get some space on your hard drive)

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