hello everybody.
i have formatted my desktop and after formating i couldn't get another drive, other than C drive. i think some unallocation problem.. please help me to get my D drive back as that contain my important documents.


first i have to say why would you format your desktop with out backing up you important data !important data should never only be stored in one place .,ok ,scolding you is over ,

this partition recovery software is what i see them suggesting on other help forums ,i have never used it myself,i don't own important data ,good luck .so i won't be much help in that area , not even sure it will even work for you because you formatted the partition ,after check the main page ,click on fee downloads for some more info

is windows install on the C;drive or did you have it on D:

its on c drive

its on c drive

install recuva ,and get it to search for missing file

I too had the same problem. Luckily, I was able to recover data using advanced partition recovery software. Download the free-to-try version and check for the recovery results.

Recuva is pretty good. For me I had to do the "deep" (slower) scan.

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