Hello to all,
Well, I've really done it this time. I went under "user accounts" in my Windows XP control panel and thought I would clean up my computer by deleting an account I THOUGHT was inactive. Turns out this was where I initially had created a VERY important file entitled "Kimberlys Documents". In a nutshell, this contained not only cherished photos, but also my entire Bachelor and Masters program papers...including the beginning of a future thesis. (Okay, for an MSW I sure am an idiot, I know!) Now HERE'S the kicker...I had my PC's "System Restore" turned off and now have absolutely NO restore point!!!
Please Help Me to retrieve this folder, if at all possible!
Thank you in advance,
Kimberly K.---the very unhappy camper.

If you Havnt emptyed your recycle bin since you did it, it is most likley in there. To recover:

Click the Recycle bin on your desktop>Look for the folder (Kimberlys Documents)>Right click>Click Restore.

If it wasnt in the bin post back.

but, I wasn't even aware that the my documents folder could be deleted. I thought the one located in

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents

Was a system file, and therefore could not be delelted. Are you sure you are talking baout the my documents folder?

If you Havnt emptyed your recycle bin since you did it, it is most likley in there. To recover:

Click the Recycle bin on your desktop>Look for the folder (Kimberlys Documents)>Right click>Click Restore.

If it wasnt in the bin post back.

but, I wasn't even aware that the my documents folder could be deleted. I thought the one located in

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents

Was a system file, and therefore could not be delelted. Are you sure you are talking baout the my documents folder?

It's not in the recycle bin :( And I deleted one of my XP User Accounts called "Kimberly", which in turn also deleted my "Kimberlys Documents" file folder that I retrieved in the file C:/Documents and Settings/Kimberly

Remember, like an idiot, I had my system restore turned off. Which, in turn, deleted all my restore points. Brilliant.

Any other suggestions?

So when you deleted the account and it ask you if you wanted to keep the files. Did you say no? Or Yes? Im assuming yes, but I just want to make sure, before we dig deeper into this.

EDIT: Well if you did click yes, the try a program like www.undelete.com to recover the files. Run it ASAP.

If she chose to keep the files they should be in c:\documents and settings\kimberly\kimberly's documents

So when you deleted the account and it ask you if you wanted to keep the files. Did you say no? Or Yes? Im assuming yes, but I just want to make sure, before we dig deeper into this.

EDIT: Well if you did click yes, the try a program like www.undelete.com to recover the files. Run it ASAP.

Hi Tayspen,
Yes, I did say yes to deleting the files. I d/l and installed "undelete.com", but to no avail. I think all is lost. If you have any other suggestions, they are greatly welcomed. If not, thank you so very much for helping me.

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