I am facing a big problem in windows 7 for screen resolution. The problem raise when i try to change the screen resolution of desktop from 1220*768 to 1220*900 suddenly it shows "Not optimum Mode Recommended mode 1220*768 60HZ" with black screen. i cant even access to desktop. I tried using safe mode and disable(device manager) display adapter and then when i again restart to reach desktop it wont shows any error but the max resolution is just 1024*768 . when ever i again enable the display adapter it says me to restart the computer again. when i again restart the computer it again shows same problem. "Not optimum mode...." and cant access to desktop.

Any help will be greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance.

Are your video drivers properly installed?

Go to windows update / your monitor manufactures site and get the profile files too - I needed these to get widescreen to work on mine...

it was pre-installed driver. i just set it to 1221*900 then it shows the "Not optimum mode...". Right now the driver is disable by using safe mode. My question is. Is there any Idea to configure display setting without desktop or directly with video driver. It is maximum than recommend. so i cant get access to it.

what's the name of the display device in device manager?
what brand computer? hp, dell, gateway, etc?

LCD samsung Display Adapter (NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (Microsoft Corporation WDDM)) windows 7

Updating window doesn't seem to be working. I remove display adapter and again install it as update. It was showing same problem Not optimum mode ....

I'm not sure what brand computer it is so I can't guide you to any links.

However, you may want to consider going to whichever website is associated to the model of the computer (ie. hp is www.hp.com) and look for a graphics device driver.

After the driver is downloaded, boot the computer into safe mode and uninstall the driver completly so it's using a generic windows driver. After it's uninstalled, reboot the computer normally and see if it boots up.

If it boots up, run the driver update and update the driver. Reboot and hopefully it shoud be fixed.

If after uninstalling the driver in safe mode and booting up to normal with a generic driver, the problem is the video card and is most likly hardware related. Try getting another video card and see if the same thing happens.

"AMD phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.11 GHz 2 gb ram 32-bit operating system"
Is this ok..

I suggest you update your graphic driver from Nvidia Home Site since Microsoft WDDM drivers aren't very good with handling graphic drivers. And then you will gain some additional funtion for display option.


let me try this. thanks for the link :(

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