
I am using Window vista.I want to keep my folder secure. How can I set password on it. I know below way to lock folder but this is not effective I dont know on Window vista.

Right click on desktop

-Then Select New

-Then Select Compressed (zipped) Folder

-Then Rename folder "Test"

-Then open the folder add excel and word files

Then after doing that click on File

-Scroll down and and "add a password"

On right click there is no compressed zippped folder option on my Desktop.

Can you please suggest other way to lock my folder.

Why to make that much complex....

Use some third party softwares. Google it , you'll find many softwares to do that task.

You can add permissions to the folder. As in, remove everyone except for yourself on the "Right Click" --> "Properties" --> "Security" --> "Edit..." and have only yourself as full control and remove everyone else. That should keep a folder secure, or you can try encrypting the folder if you have an NTFS file system. That will keep the contents secure so that only you can see them.

I tried this but I find this is not the safest way to protect folder. Because anyone can change permission by right click and so on
Is there an way to set password on it? lock folder using software would be by last option.

Then archive ur folder using winrar and set password to archive.

I suggest you have a look at TrueCrypt. It is open source and free and I have used it for years. You can create an encrypted file of a user-specified size. Once the file has been created you mount it (via TrueCrypt) as a virtual drive then copy files to/from that drive just like you would any other drive. Files are automatically encrypted/decrypted on the fly. If the TrueCrypt file is examined via a hex editor, the data is indistinguishable from noise. You can find it at http://www.truecrypt.org/

A free program called 7-Zip can create very secure AES-256-encrypted zip files.

I inslalled winzip software , then i saved folder as a zip folder and then i store one excel file in it,then i tried to set password on it and did you what happened that file became read only and i could not set password on it. why this happen ?

Passwording of folders is not supported unless you zip them.

You can refer below for more inforamation.


As far as my knowledge, You can set password only at creation. If anybody knows another way please post.

Select files you want to zip/rar, then right click and click on "Add to archive".

Then go to advance tab. Set password and and check to encrypt(Else your files can be seen).

You tried that TrueCrypt suggested by Reverend Jim thats sounds cool and comfortable give it a try.

there are lots of free and paid softwear helps you to do that

By archieving password is setting to the folder.

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