Hi folks.

I am planning to change my OS from windows 7 to windows 8 (customer preview.)..

So those who are already using 8 , can give their feedback if they have encountered any problem with 8 .Any disadvantages ...etc...etc..

NOTE : (I know its still under preview version and the final version is not yet arrived. :) :))

So any feedbacks.........;)

Since 8 is still a CP, I would suggest you evaluate it as a VM so you don't go through the trouble of blowing away your stable Win 7 host system. Win 8 runs pretty nice on a VM. You will need to use either Oracle Virtual Box or VMWARE since 8 is x64. It will not run on Virtual PC.

This way you can just delete the VM when you are done with CP. your Win 7 host will not be affected.

What VBox settings are recommended for Win 8? Win 8 is very slow when I use VBox.

windows 8 cunsumer preview does't install properly... after 100% installation its say that error and restart you system. why all is happening?

@scudzilla - sorry for the delay in response...

I havent had any issues with VirtualBox with regard to slowness. Here were the steps I followed:
1) Download Win 8 CP x64
2) Tested with a host machine 8GB of RAM
3) Create a new virtual machine in Oracle VirtualBox. Complete the steps in the wizard. Note-Select ‘Windows 7’ as OS version. I chose Windows 7 (64bit) because I had downloaded the 64 bit version of Windows 8 Developer Preview. Also note that my guest configuration included 2 GB of RAM and 50 GB of storage. That should be adequate to run this guest VM.
4) Enable the "IO APIC" setting found in the system tab/motherboard tab.
5) Enable PAE/NX under the processor tab. You can change the processor numbers according to physical processor cores. I chose 1 processor.
6) Enable VT-x/AMD-V and Nested Paging options found under the Acceleration tab.
7) On the display tab, Enable 3D Acceleration. I provided 128 MB of video memory.
8) Mount the downloaded ISO file.
9) Start the virtual machine. The installation process will begin.

@ajasinghinyng- Keep in mind that Windows 8 CP is beta. There are no guarantees for the OS to run as expected. What error message did you come across?

Thanks. For some reason, VBox Windows 8 doesn't let me log in to daniweb. I tried VMware, and here I am ^^

Hello from Windows 8 :D

Anyway, I notice that Win 8 is a little faster in VMware than in Vbox.

I like VMWare as well. VMWare is a very good VM app, more mature in the vm space my opinion.

It seems like everybody is trying the win 8 only in VM softwares. Looks like why to take risk installing 8 by replacing current OS.
So vmware is the choice....:)

I've had Windows 8 since it was released. First the developer and now the consumer preview (build 8250). For me it's much better than Windows 7, most of all it catches everyone's eyes with its amazing looks and Start menu (which took me some time to get used to). The only problem I've encountered so far has been with device manager in general - if it stops working, then all you've left to do is restart, although it happens quite rarely.

You could install Win8 CP on your computer. I see a lot of people on the forums doing this, but then when they are done evaluating it, they want to remove it and revert back to Win 7. Oh oh, that's not so simple.

However, if you preview it (or any other OS) in a VM, when you are done, just delete the vm. It cant get any easier.

Since VM apps have been out there, I see absolutely no need to dual boot, multi-boot, or even distrub my nicely configured host machine. I tend not to install too many apps unless I plan on using them regulary. everthing that I want to evaluation (even apps), I run on VMs. This technique has resulted in many years running on a clean host OS.

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