I have a Dell Dimension 2400. The other day I turned it on and received the following error:

c:windows/system32/config/system is corrupted

Does anyone know the best way to fix this without re-installing?

Any help is appreciated.

The easiest way to fix this is to load up Microsoft Window's Recovery Console and run the following command:

chkdsk /r

After the process finishes, restart the computer.

If this doesn't work, more in-depth measures may be necessary. You can follow the instructions here to do a more thorough fix.

The easiest way to fix this is to load up Microsoft Window's Recovery Console and run the following command:

chkdsk /r

After the process finishes, restart the computer.

If this doesn't work, more in-depth measures may be necessary. You can follow the instructions here to do a more thorough fix.

best solution is to restart the system in safe mode and then

start menu --> programs--->acceccessories--->system tools--->system restore

then select the last installations date when the system is working well and continue

it will solve most of the booting and configuration or settings problem..

try it out and tell me

... it will solve most of the booting and configuration or settings problem..

Unfortunately, that doesn't usually work for the problem indicated by the posted error message; the error (as chrisbliss18 has assessed) indicates a corrupt Registry hive. Because the Registry is processed so early on in the boot process, Windows is unable to give you much of anything to work with, including Safe Mode.

Having just done this fix two weeks ago, my hunch is that woodsf will probably have to use Microsoft's procedure outlined in the link chrisbliss18 posted.

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