I just purchased a brand new laptop with specs:
Intel core i7 processor
nvidia graphics card 2G dedicated
Windows 7 64-bit

However it seems like my ram usage is at about 1.5 to 1.8GB when I have nothing apparent running and at 2GB+ RAM when I have just a few applications like some tabs in google chrome running.

This is strange because I had a laptop before with a much less impressive spec that included a total RAM of 2GB, not a great graphics cards or processor and was a 32 bit Windows 7 edition. It always used about 1GB of RAM.

Is this normal or should I get a replacement because I still have some warranty time left. Also, as I've mentioned details about my two laptops - how much of a difference should I feel in terms of speed because at the moment I haven't felt too much but maybe that's because I was expecting a Ford to Ferrari type of transition

Nothing apparent running? you do know Windows alone uses over 1 Gig right?

Nope, which is why I'm asking :)

By nothing apparent I meant nothing running on the screen although there are several processes running in the background.

I thought maybe deleting some of the bloatware this laptop came with will lower the usage so after removing around 10 to 15 applications - I restarted the computer and it looks like it's increased a slight amount which is quite strange. Now it seems to be at 1.90 to 2GB with nothing running :

Windows. you can run Windows on a 1Gig ram pc, but I wouldn't recommend it, not if you want to use other applications as well.

well, look at it a bit like having thirst. if you wander around in the desert, will you drink just enough to kill the thirst, or will you drink some more after?

Windows can perform on 1 gig, but very slowly. if you have more ram, it will use more. sure, you can get rid of some smaller applications to make sure they don't consume any of your ram, but those aren't the ones that take up the big pie :)

I see. So would you say it is normal, the amount which is being used on my laptop? 1.5GB to 2G when no 'apparent' applications are being run.

well, with having just a few applications running (except for Windows), which together use something about 600mb ram, I'm somewhere at 2.5 Gig, so .. yes. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Ok. Now for some reason it's at 4.5GB usage without anything running which surely can't be normal. Althogh I should mention that I usually put my computer in sleep mode rather than restarting it quite often - could this be a cause? or would you recommen me getting a replacement?

or would you recommen me getting a replacement?

I suggest you restart it once in awhile ,and I suggest you stop looking at what ram its using when its idleand just use the laptop ,and enjoy it ,if its not performing up to snuff then I would worry and have it looked and not replaced
also ,do alt+ctrl+del and go to task manager and check the process tab ,to see what might be using all the ram when its idle

Nope, that's perfectly normal and expected behaviour.
Windows runs in something called virtualised memory now, as do most apps inside it. basically each app is almost sandboxed to protect them from each other when they crash. once upon a time (XP) if one app locked up the whole PC locked up until you closed the offending one or rebooted, now (generally) you can keep using the other apps, even start a new instance of the problematic one, around it. All of these technologies require RAM overheads. Thus the results you are seeing.

The biggest culprits tend to be web browsers, each tab can be in a separate session, and thus chew huge amounts of RAM very quickly. If they "leak" they can continue to grow in size in the RAM constantly, even though they aren't really 'doing' anything. only waty to fix is to close and re-open the offending app.

the joys of modern tech, I guess.

hop that helps you some.

Try typing in "msconfig" to the Start bar's search. It should open a small window. Click on the startup tab. This has all the programs that load when you turn your computer on. If you find the applications such as "facebook messenger" etc and uncheck them, they will not load up until you decide you need them. This will save some idle RAM usage.

actually ,msconfig is meant as a troubleshooting tool and not meant to disable programs ,but I have used it to do so for many years without any problems ,but now I use the program from micrtosoft that is really meant for turning off,for those interested just run the program and go to the login tab to disable unwanted programs from starting on bootup autoruns,

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