Hi All,

Am not able to access my D drive. Am getting the I/O error while accessing it. Please help me as I have all my files on this drive. Am using Windows 7. Please find the screen shots for reference.

Is that an external hard drive? Or is it a partition of the internal drive?

Here are some troubleshot advices:

Click Here

Aditionally, open a command window (start-run-cmd) and type this:

C:\>cd D:\



If you did connect to the hardware type ls or dir in order to see if the OS recognizes your files:


Can you post a picture of the disk management console? You can run it from


Hi Ancient Dragon,

It is a partition of internal drive.

Thanks in Advance.

Hi Lucaci Andrew,

Please find the screen shot.

I tried to enter into D drive using CLI mode but again the error is throwed.

Hi Reverend Jim,

Please find the post of disk management that you asked.

Thanks in Advance.


Hi Reverend Jim,

It seems like the data in D drive is lost from the diskmgmt snapshot.!!

Please let me know.

One more post for your reference..

That doesn't look good. My only suggestion at this point is to make a complete image of your disk (in case the next step screws everything up), then download and burn a gparted CD. Boot off that and see if you can use the partition table editor to manually put in values for the D partition. This might get you access to D in order to copy the files off (that is if the data has not been overwritten). Have a look at this before doing anything.

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