guys, i have a pst file on a windows server 2003, this morning it gave issues connecting. when i checked it i realised that the size was 64 kb, run a scanpst and it became 254kb but still there is no information in it. how can i restore or repair it. please help

You should probably just restore it from your server's backup and call it a day.

I'd just try and stay away from PST files if you can as modern versions of Exchange (2007) and above are much better at storing large datafiles (called Exchange edb's). At least with Exchange, all your data will be in one place and there are lot more options available to you to fix corrupt files.

For client side mail storage, you must use a PST. Especially if your echange server uses a 30 day retention for online messages....

If you're using Outlook without Exchange, yes it's the only option. We used to disable PSTs with registry setting as the users would create them everywhere and they'd be a nightmare to backup and restore.

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