
I am on IBM Thinkpad R52 with 1.73 MHz processor and 256 DDR2 RAM.
I use Nero Ultra 7.0 for burning cds( I have a combo drive). I havnt been able to burn cds since yesterday.

Whenever i try loading Nero Burning ROM, Windows error pops up (Sorry for inconvenience ,blah blah....) and application crashes.

i tried burning with window's burning software but that too reported an error saying that burning has been unsucessful and cd might been rendered useless. But the error pops up as soon as i press OK , so I dont think my cd's gone bad.... I am using a CD-RW.

That shouldnt be the problem as Nero is no longer starting (though I can still use every other program of the Nero Package like wave editor, Start Smart ,etc)

Thanking You

Uninstall Nero.

Go in device manager. Right click on your cd drives and uninstall them. Reboot.

Go into my computer. Right click on your CD burner. Go under the Recording tab. Take the checkmark out of enable recording on the drive. Apply the settings.

Put the checkmark back. Change the speed to 16x or 4x. Apply the settings.

Click Start, choose Run and execute services.msc. Look for the IMAPI CD Burning Service. Insure that this service is set to Automatic.


Try to burn with windows now. If you are successful reinstall Nero.

i am yet to try your solution , but cd burns with IBM record now.... so what could be the problem? Some files corrupted or what?

I will try your solution and let you know.

Uninstall Nero.

Go in device manager. Right click on your cd drives and uninstall them. Reboot.

where is the device manager

where is the device manager

Configuration->system->hardware(tab)->device manager


i also was able to burn cds and now a window pops up and its askng me if i want to save it and wheni click to save it it says that nero is burning but the cd doesnt have no music so how can i fix it to where i can burn music again

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