Am using win7 home premium. i will use my pc for only surrfing but i found it is very slow and some times my system getting restarts. pls give some idea to improve my PC performance.

Might be you had download that kind of file which is disturbing speed of PC or take out help of any computer hardware expert in that.

Take it to a local geek, we know how to clean a computer the right way and without damaging your computer.

Your PC can only be as fast as its slowest component. The problem with your PC is likely involving the hard drive. Its possible that it is fragmented, or you have something running on your system that is requiring costant use of the hard drive.

Because you've mentioned that you are having to restart the computer, you may have problems with software installed and/or malware.

Of course, the easiest and quickest way to resolve this issue is to perform a re-imaging of the PC to restore the PC back to its default configuration if your PC came with a rescue disk/partition. However, that process will wipe the system clean so if you have data that's important for you, consider that before moving forward.

But i could not able to find any restore points, so how can identify which software gets problem.

Turn off automatic restart so that you see any error message:
If there is no error message then possibly the system has a heat or connection problem. Check the Event Viewer logs for software problems.
REmove any programs, toolbars that you don't use. If you bought the computer preloaded with W7 there likely is a mass of OEM software that bogs your system. There are automatic cleanup tools for some of the worst OEM installations, but it is something you can do yourself. Remove time-limited trials, automatic software update checking, OEM versions of public softwares... like, say, their own-brand AV service.

just use or install only that software which are in your work remove any unwanted applications.

hello dude,
You can do one thing as to make your PC Fast:
Please close all the programs that are running in background and then
• Go to Run ► Type ► Temp ► Enter ► Delete All the files.
• Go to Run ► Type ► %Temp% ► Enter ► Delete All the files.
• Go to Run ► Type ► recent ► Enter ► Delete All the files.
• and also be sure that you delete all the cookies and toolbars that were downloaded.
• Remove unwanted application from "Control Panel ► Add or Remove ► ..."
and then all after you PC will somewhat fast then before.

As to delete all this files on one click there is one app which is the best app: "Ccleaner" Run it...
• you can also check the registry error and make fix it too using this application.
• This application is from Priform.
• google it out with: "Ccleaner"

Thank you.
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