i want to upgrade MS Office 2000 to 2010, i m using Windows 8. is it any method available which help me to upgrade all files into upgraded version??

How did Windows 8 let you install Office 2000? As for upgrading files, you mean like the documents you created in that dinosaur? You just insert the DVD for Office 2010, it will see the old version, state that, you select Customize to "Run all from My Computer".

It will not remove the old dinosaur version of Office, it will just sit there on the disk alongside. If you wish to remove 2000, you have to do it from "Programs and Features".

Just uninstall MS office 2000 from your PC and install new Office 2010, then automatically all files upgrade in the upgraded version.

original poster never responded back ,[i want to upgrade MS Office 2000 to 2010] but ovisious answer is you buy office 2010 and install it

If you have already any office version , Then you can upgrade your office version any time , when you install new version of office ,Then you will get option for the custom or upgrade .

All you need to do is install the newest version of office. The files will open and you can save them as whatever name in whatever format you would like.

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