Hey all -

I have searched the internet with no luck, so I finally resorted to here to ask for information. I am trying to find a way to find the time it takes to shut down, sleep, and wake from sleep for a Windows 7 install. I understand that there are solutions (BootRacer, Soluto, even the Windows Event Viewer) to find out the boot time for Windows, but I cannot find out how to time the rest of these!

Thanks in advance.

a stop watch maybe

It's tricky trying to determine actual boot time. You could time until the login screen appears, but you still have to pass the time until a workable desktop appears. And even once the desktop appears it can still be a minute or two until the system quiets down enough to be usable.

a stop watch maybe

Yes, this is how I have been doing it. I am looking for a way to get an exact number, multiple times. Think about human reaction speed when the light goes off (in the case of shut down). The light goes off, my mind realizes that the light went off, it sends a signal to my finger to stop the stopwatch, and then I actually stop the stopwatch. It will be off by fractions of a second, which is significant with an 8 second shutdown time.

It's tricky trying to determine actual boot time. You could time until the login screen appears, but you still have to pass the time until a workable desktop appears. And even once the desktop appears it can still be a minute or two until the system quiets down enough to be usable.

Boot time is not my concern. BootRacer gives you time until the login screen, time from the login screen to a working desktop, and the total time.

I am looking for a way for timing shutdown/sleep.

Is this a desktop you're working on, and not something mission critical? If so, what is significant about the timing error? If you're a typical humanoid, then bank on 0.3secs reaction time. A fair whack of that 0.3secs is the mind "realising"; it is only relevant if you are to compete against a machine. And I think you are going to need a "machine" to do the timing - when the CPU shuts down, it sorta stops timing/signalling stuff, software stops working....
Open the door. Go outside. Occasionally.

But if you're serious, then build a lil timer; start switch can be a pressure plate on Enter key [2 bare wires or foil pieces will do just fine], stop would be taken from PSU PSON [green] wire connector. That will give you shutdown time to a zillionth of a sec. Sleep timer? Create a task in the scheduler to wake the sys, have ProcMon running and take your return time from that, but I don't know what you would accept as a "ready" instant [see the Rev's post above].

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