Hello to all,

Well, my computer was running slow, getting all these terrible spywares due to my useless anti-spyware softwares, and detecting no usb ports. So my friend suggest that I reinstall windows, wiping my hd clean, along with the spywares, and that might fix my usb problem as well.

I thought installing Windows is supposed to be easy, or at least that's what it said on the box and most reviews. So I did most of the steps that people suggested before install windows xp.

So I am installing windows cheerfully, thinking oh at last all those spywares will stop bugging me. The problem begins, in that blue background setup window, with 5 flashing green dots on right lower corner and left lower corner stating how minutes left to complete install. Well, it said 32 mins to complete installation, and under the bar, it reads Network. So I assume it's installing network... and it just got stuck.

First, I thought, maybe my computer is just lagging a little, so I left the installation on whole night, hoping next morning, the installation will be complete... but it still reads 32 mins to complete installation...

So, I took the disc out, reboot and try to continue installing again... and got stuck at the exact same spot, 32 mins. I tried countless times, and everytime, it got stuck on 32 mins.

I really don't know what to do now...
So somebody, please get me outta this 32 mins! Please! :eek:

HI ! Kumo

I think maybe there is a problem of your CD-rom disc or CD-rom drive . first take new winxp cd to replace your old then setup with your old drive .if not try with other cd-rom drive i hope it work .

any result pls let me know ! thanks

Try disableing LAN from BIOS setup. Faulty LAN may be causing the crash while Windows installation program is looking for the installed LAN hardware.

plz see if you harddisk partition is :- (1)...NTFS,(2)..formated well?
(3)...if all fails,than RE-PARTION yur PC,& than install XP, than there will be noproblem.
But 1stofall save all yr usefull data&Files & WORKS, on a CD(W/R),to reload later ,when XP is installef on CLEANED DISK.
Hope it'll do.

(Using a BugMeNot account, hope previous people weren't jerks)

I've actually had a very very similar problem where Windows XP, being stuck at 32 minutes remaining and trying to figure out Network.

Disabling the onboard LAN worked like a charm (like a previous post mentioned). I also removed any network cards just in case, cause you know, it's Windows.

Good luck

Thanks!!!This help solved the problem!!!After lots of despret atemt to get the instalation to work,and now it really does work!!!thanks again from sweden!

As per the suggestions here, I took out my ETHERNET cable and restarted. This time, Setup got farther. Thanks, guys!

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