my computer can't read all the memory, my memory is 256mb DDRAM, but when i look at mycomputer properties, it only shows 96mb, please help me :)

God bless!!!

Does it show this in the BIOS, or just in Windows? How is the RAM installed in your system? When did this start happening?

Please provide us some more information. For all we know, this isn't even a Windows problem, but a bona fide hardware problem.

Does it show this in the BIOS, or just in Windows? How is the RAM installed in your system? When did this start happening?

Please provide us some more information. For all we know, this isn't even a Windows problem, but a bona fide hardware problem.

almost a month now. when i try to replace my memory, it shows a msg something like frequency overflow, the bios can read all memory, but when im on windows, it can't read the total memory. .. :?::sad:

almost a month now. when i try to replace my memory, it shows a msg something like frequency overflow, the bios can read all memory, but when im on windows, it can't read the total memory. .. :?::sad:

almost a month now. when i try to replace my memory, it shows a msg something like frequency overflow, the bios can read all memory, but when im on windows, it can't read the total memory. .. :?::sad:

And what about your video card? is it on board or not.

No, its not... it's separate..:)

because it can't maximize the usage of memory, my machine always go freeze. i think my hard drive may also be damage if i will not get the solution to this problem, please help me..

can you tell the drand of you memory and it frequency. how mauch ram do you have(number of memory plates)? may be you set up wrong frequency for the memory in BIOS?

i think you're right, because when i try to replace the memory with the new one, it pop a error msg on bios said "frequencey blah blah blah!", i have one memory plate, 256mb.

i think you're right, because when i try to replace the memory with the new one, it pop a error msg on bios said "frequencey blah blah blah!", i have one memory plate, 256mb.

ok, but you don't write the originsl frequency of you memory, it's ok, may be you don't know, o i suggest you enter you bios -> advanced settings->memory frequency(it may be named different) and then choose an option "auto".

thank you very much, i will try this when i get home... thanks. God bless, im going home now.

you are welcome:)

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